
To me, transmitting is a way to give back what I received in 1985, after enrolling at the Ecole Boulle. If I can teach and train a few youngsters willing to learn a profession and to have an independent life as an adult, I feel deeply satisfied. Basically, my workshop is opened to anyone. Unfortunately, hand-engravers are becoming rare and I heard too many times the motto: ‘A secret life is a happy life’. As a result, no transmission is provided. Yet, the Meilleurs Ouvriers de France charter explicitly states (line N° 7): ‘In simplicity and humility, sharing and transmitting one’s knowledge’.

JEMA 2021 – Fort de Vaise – video and podcast Nicolas Salagnac

European Crafts Days – JEMA From 6 to 11 April 2021: Discovering the craftsmen of art – video, podcasts and program. Video recording in my workshop, to make you discover my job as a medal […]

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Louis Oscar Roty (1846-1911), French engraver of coins and medals, creator of the « Semeuse »

Louis Oscar Roty is a French coin and medal engraver. He was born in Paris on 11 June 1846 and died in Paris on 23 March 1911. He is the creator and engraver of the […]

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Henri Dropsy (1885-1969) sculptor and a French medal engraver.

Henri Dropsy, born in Paris 3rd January 21, 1885 and died in Veneux-Les-Sablons on November 2, 1969, is a French sculptor and medal engraver. He signs some of his Henry Dropsy works. He was a […]

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Jules-Clément Chaplain (1839-1909) French engraver medalist, Grand Prix de Rome in 1863.

Jules-Clément Chaplain, known as Jules Chaplain was born in Mortagne-au-Perche on 12 July 1839 and died in Paris on 13 July 1909. He is a French sculptor and engraver-medalist. A talented engraver and admired at […]

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Thérèse DUFRESNE artist sculptor medalist (1937-2010)

These few lines on Thérèse DUFRESNE, artist sculptor medalur whom I like very much. Simply, today on the web, we find nothing about her, except the sales of her medals on ebay, the good corner. […]

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FIDEM Canada 2018 in Ottawa, meeting of world medallists

The 35th FIDEM Congress, in Ottawa, Canada, has just closed its doors. A unique moment to meet world players on the art of the medal. Glad to have been able to present our creation of […]

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Seta TETSUJI, Japanese artist and creator of contemporary medals, will spend a day in Lyon

On September 2, 2016, Seta TETSUJI, Japanese artist and creator of contemporary medals, will spend a day in Lyon, before the FIDEM international congress in Belgium. He asked me to come and see me at […]

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22th Student Medal Project, a first in France

Little film from a first in France, for the 22nd Student Medal Project. The medals of the competition: 10 French creations from the « Jura », were judged in the British Museum with 95 British creations. The […]

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Our students create and engrave a medal: « I’m Charlie »

After the tragicevents in France last January, the students of the engraving classes of « Ferdinand Fillod High School » in St Amour France have created a commemorative medal. The work is composed of 9 […]

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The Student Medal Project 2010

Créations médailles des étudiants 2010 pour le concours « Student Medal Project » (fondatrice Marcy Leavitt Bourne), soutenu par la British Art Medal Society. A Nation Of Peeping Toms Alice Wall Awareness Of Deafness Beach Bums – […]

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Créations médailles des étudiants 2011 pour le concours « Student Medal Project »

Créations médailles des étudiants 2011 pour le concours « Student Medal Project » (fondatrice Marcy Leavitt Bourne), soutenu par la British Art Medal Society. Drop Beats not Bombs Honesty on the Internet Ignorance Is Bliss Harmony between […]

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The 22nd annual project British Art Medal society student medal

THE BRITISH ART MEDAL SOCIETY STUDENT MEDAL PROJECT THE  BRIEF FOR  2015  – TO ALL COLLEGES PARTICIPATING THIS YEAR The 22nd Annual Project 1. We have formulated a number of areas in which medals will […]

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Reportage photo installation à la Saline Royale – Mai 2013

Les 6 et 7 Mai dernier, Clélia Petit, élève de deuxième année en CAP gravure en modelé a fait un excellent reportage photo sur l’installation de nos élèves Métiers d’Art à la Saline Royale pour […]

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Le Lycée des Arts du métal participe au 13ème Festival des jardins de la Saline Royale

Pour la quatrième année consécutive, à la demande de Patrick Percier de la Saline Royale et sous la conduite d’Aurélie Masselin, professeur en ciselure/monture en bronze, le lycée Ferdinand Fillod prend une nouvelle fois part […]

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Histoires d’A…. Apprentis, Arts, Avenir !

Le lycée Ferdinand Fillod participe à cette exposition par des pièces lauréates au concours MAF depuis 2004. Nous présentons plusieurs lauréats MAF en Ciselure, Monture en bronze, Ferronnerie d’art et Gravure en modelé : Armelle […]

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