22th Student Medal Project, a first in France

Little film from a first in France, for the 22nd Student Medal Project.

The medals of the competition: 10 French creations from the « Jura », were judged in the British Museum with 95 British creations. The French sculptors creations just 6 students (2nd year CAP) of the LP Pierre Vernotte from Moirans en Montagne and 4 students engravers (2nd year CAP) LP Ferdinand Fillod Saint-Amour.

Winning medals: « Aqua » Lucie Pobel, printmaker LP Fillod and Special Jury Prize with the medal « I’m Charlie. »

Thank you to Christine Joly and Pascal  Doussot from Lp Pierre Vernotte, and high school Hector Guimard Lyon for foundry work.
Read more : link.