The Prefect of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, Michel Delpuech, presents the medal of the National Order of Merit to Nicolas Salagnac, on March 3, 2016, 5pm at the Rhône prefecture. For more information: link.
Brave woman – published in the Chinese gold coin magazine. The bronze medal recorded a precious friendship. At the FEDIM conference in Ghent, Belgium, in 2016, in a conversation with Nicolas Salagnac – a French […]
The Prefect of the region Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Michel Delpuech puts hands the medal of the National order of the Merit to Nicolas Salagnac, 3 Mars 2016, in the prefecture of the Rhône, surrounded with his […]
Little film from a first in France, for the 22nd Student Medal Project. The medals of the competition: 10 French creations from the « Jura », were judged in the British Museum with 95 British creations. The […]
After the tragicevents in France last January, the students of the engraving classes of « Ferdinand Fillod High School » in St Amour France have created a commemorative medal. The work is composed of 9 […]
Créations médailles des étudiants 2010 pour le concours « Student Medal Project » (fondatrice Marcy Leavitt Bourne), soutenu par la British Art Medal Society. A Nation Of Peeping Toms Alice Wall Awareness Of Deafness Beach Bums – […]
Créations médailles des étudiants 2011 pour le concours « Student Medal Project » (fondatrice Marcy Leavitt Bourne), soutenu par la British Art Medal Society. Drop Beats not Bombs Honesty on the Internet Ignorance Is Bliss Harmony between […]
THE BRITISH ART MEDAL SOCIETY STUDENT MEDAL PROJECT THE BRIEF FOR 2015 – TO ALL COLLEGES PARTICIPATING THIS YEAR The 22nd Annual Project 1. We have formulated a number of areas in which medals will […]
< I was asked to engrave a medal for a video clip about the 2012 Ironman triathlon race. Direct carving from a bronze piece. A few hours of shooting late into the night with a […]
< This film describes the creation stages of the making of a medal inspired by a detail in a sculpture from Le Bernin, « The Abduction of Proserpine by Pluto ». The work started at the Nicolas […]
The first tourist coin from the Louvre Museum affect its female icons : The famous Joconde (Mona Lisa from Léonard de Vinci), and The » Victoire de Samothrace ». This is for the R.M.N. They chose […]
Designing and making a medal A medal can be made using three different techniques : 1 – Hand engraving or « direct carving » This traditional technique allows the craftsman to directly execute his work at the actual […]
Depuis toujours, l’homme cherche à laisser des marques de son histoire et de ses choix. Ces « entailles » qui marquent les grandes étapes de l’humanité ont été exécutées par sa main. Cette main qui prolonge […]
A la demande de Monsieur Daniel Groscolas, Maire de l’Houmeau et les conseils de Raymond Escobar, la mairie confie à l’atelier Nicolas Salagnac la création et la gravure des matrices pour l’édition d’une médaille d’un […]
At the request of Mr. Daniel Groscolas, Mayor of L’Houmeau, and on the advice of Raymond Escobar, the town council entrusted the Nicolas Salagnac workshop with the creation and engraving of the dies for a […]
A la demande du Président de l’Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Christian Têtedoie, MOF cuisine 1997, Nicolas Salagnac a créé la nouvelle médaille des maîtres Cuisiniers de France. cette médaille a été remise le […]
Article et photos extrait de Lyon Citoyen d’Avril 2013. Voir l’article complet sur le site ville de Lyon : lien. La RECONNAISSANCE. Pour sa dernière promotion en date, la médaille de la Ville de Lyon […]
At the request of the President of the Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Christian Têtedoie, MOF cuisine 1997, Nicolas Salagnac has created the new medal of the maîtres Cuisiniers de France. This medal was […]
THE STEPS INVOLVED IN MAKING THE MEDAL. Single-sided medal, diameter 65mm. In a few words, here are the steps involved in the realization of this project. 1 – Design Research and development of models designed […]
The changing face of Lyon: “Gastronomy, intangible heritage”. 2013 edition. We invite you to discover our 10th medal, created in collaboration with Nicolas SALAGNAC, medal engraver and Meilleur Ouvrier de France, always with the aim […]
Workshop Nicolas Salagnac - at Médicis :
24, avenue Joannès-Masset, Les Passerelles - F69009 Lyon
By appointment only – Metro : Gorge de Loup (line D)
Billing address : 3, rue de la Quarantaine - 69005 Lyon - France
Phone : +33 9 50 32 62 45
© 2025 Nicolas Salagnac - All rights reserved – Design and development : Benoît Salagnac and Finneas - updated by – Photo credits : Matthieu Cellard – ▨