Louis Oscar Roty is a French coin and medal engraver. He was born in Paris on 11 June 1846 and died in Paris on 23 March 1911. He is the creator and engraver of the […]
Henri Dropsy, born in Paris 3rd January 21, 1885 and died in Veneux-Les-Sablons on November 2, 1969, is a French sculptor and medal engraver. He signs some of his Henry Dropsy works. He was a […]
Jules-Clément Chaplain, known as Jules Chaplain was born in Mortagne-au-Perche on 12 July 1839 and died in Paris on 13 July 1909. He is a French sculptor and engraver-medalist. A talented engraver and admired at […]
These few lines on Thérèse DUFRESNE, artist sculptor medalur whom I like very much. Simply, today on the web, we find nothing about her, except the sales of her medals on ebay, the good corner. […]
For the third year, Marcy Leavit Bourne, director of the Student Medal Project competition for 24 years, gave the French students the opportunity to challenge one more time, thank you. Thanks to schools, teachers and […]
The Medal (issue 69, Autumn 2016) Nicolas Salagnac, professor of engraving at the Lycée Ferdinand Fillod, Saint-Amour, Jura, explains: ‘In 2015 Marcy Leavitt Bourne, director of the BAMS Student Medal Project, asked me to arrange […]
The Royal Saltworks presents a festival of the gardens the theme of which is renewed every year. Several gardens in the infinite variations of forms and colors surround the buildings which make from now on […]
10 French pupils engravers and sculptors of the Jura high schools Ferdinand Fillod: the metal arts of Saint Love and Pierre Vernotte: the woodcrafts of Moirand in Mountain ended their creation in medal to be […]
On July 28th, 2014, Benoît VIOLIER, MOF cooks in 2000 and leader of the restaurant » Hôtel de ville » of Crissier in Switzerland, asks me to work on the creation of a trophy and […]
A la demande de Monsieur Daniel Groscolas, Maire de l’Houmeau et les conseils de Raymond Escobar, la mairie confie à l’atelier Nicolas Salagnac la création et la gravure des matrices pour l’édition d’une médaille d’un […]
At the request of Mr. Daniel Groscolas, Mayor of L’Houmeau, and on the advice of Raymond Escobar, the town council entrusted the Nicolas Salagnac workshop with the creation and engraving of the dies for a […]
A la demande du Président de l’Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Christian Têtedoie, MOF cuisine 1997, Nicolas Salagnac a créé la nouvelle médaille des maîtres Cuisiniers de France. cette médaille a été remise le […]
At the request of the President of the Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Christian Têtedoie, MOF cuisine 1997, Nicolas Salagnac has created the new medal of the maîtres Cuisiniers de France. This medal was […]
THE STEPS INVOLVED IN MAKING THE MEDAL. Single-sided medal, diameter 65mm. In a few words, here are the steps involved in the realization of this project. 1 – Design Research and development of models designed […]
Workshop Nicolas Salagnac - at Médicis :
24, avenue Joannès-Masset, Les Passerelles - F69009 Lyon
By appointment only – Metro : Gorge de Loup (line D)
Billing address : 3, rue de la Quarantaine - 69005 Lyon - France
Phone : +33 9 50 32 62 45
© 2025 Nicolas Salagnac - All rights reserved – Design and development : Benoît Salagnac and Finneas - updated by 68000.fr – Photo credits : Matthieu Cellard – ▨