Article on the magazine PARIS FANTASTIC! #8 Winter 2019, by Ulysse Gossert. To talk about my collaboration with Eva Deng, a friend and Chinese printmaker. And about the transmission with my engraving students, including Kévin […]
The association of the Friends of the Franc, entrusts the creation and engraving to Nicolas Salagnac for this coin/medal, based on Augustin Dupré’s drawing of the 10 grams gold, and publishes this gold coin, which […]
The Prefect of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, Michel Delpuech, presents the medal of the National Order of Merit to Nicolas Salagnac, on March 3, 2016, 5pm at the Rhône prefecture. For more information: link.
Louis Oscar Roty is a French coin and medal engraver. He was born in Paris on 11 June 1846 and died in Paris on 23 March 1911. He is the creator and engraver of the […]
Henri Dropsy, born in Paris 3rd January 21, 1885 and died in Veneux-Les-Sablons on November 2, 1969, is a French sculptor and medal engraver. He signs some of his Henry Dropsy works. He was a […]
Jules-Clément Chaplain, known as Jules Chaplain was born in Mortagne-au-Perche on 12 July 1839 and died in Paris on 13 July 1909. He is a French sculptor and engraver-medalist. A talented engraver and admired at […]
These few lines on Thérèse DUFRESNE, artist sculptor medalur whom I like very much. Simply, today on the web, we find nothing about her, except the sales of her medals on ebay, the good corner. […]
Brave woman – published in the Chinese gold coin magazine. The bronze medal recorded a precious friendship. At the FEDIM conference in Ghent, Belgium, in 2016, in a conversation with Nicolas Salagnac – a French […]
June 20, 2017 by Pierre NUMISMAG interviewed one of the rare French engravers who falls under the tradition of the engravers such as CHAPLAIN, DROPSY, ROTY, etc. He is named Nicolas SALAGNAC. Former student of […]
A small movie of 2mn15 about my engraver’s job medalmaker, thank you Pierrick Servais.
Un article en anglais dans le journal « The Connexion – France’s English-language newspaper – May 2017. Ecrit par @EmilyCommander MAKE A MARK TO LAST ALL TIME CRAFTS in focus Métiers d’art are ancient …and protected […]
The Prefect of the region Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Michel Delpuech puts hands the medal of the National order of the Merit to Nicolas Salagnac, 3 Mars 2016, in the prefecture of the Rhône, surrounded with his […]
Le fauteuil n° 3 de la section IV (Gravure) de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts était réservé aux graveurs en médaille. En voici la liste : 1803 : DUMAREST Rambert (1750-1806) 1806 : DUVIVIER Pierre-Simon Benjamin (1730-1819) […]
Ci dessous une liste des Grands Prix de Rome, graveur en médailles. Le concours pour les graveurs en médaille avait lieu tout les quatre ans, ce concours a prit fin en 1968 sous la décision […]
The hand-engraving area The place is flooded with daylight. The double workbench sits right in front of the bay window, to get as much light as possible. On this workbench, the tools of the hand-engraver: […]
Workshop Nicolas Salagnac - at Médicis :
24, avenue Joannès-Masset, Les Passerelles - F69009 Lyon
By appointment only – Metro : Gorge de Loup (line D)
Billing address : 3, rue de la Quarantaine - 69005 Lyon - France
Phone : +33 9 50 32 62 45
© 2025 Nicolas Salagnac - All rights reserved – Design and development : Benoît Salagnac and Finneas - updated by – Photo credits : Matthieu Cellard – ▨