On July 28th, 2014, Benoît VIOLIER, MOF cooks in 2000 and leader of the restaurant » Hôtel de ville » of Crissier in Switzerland, asks me to work on the creation of a trophy and […]
Portrait and Nicolas SALAGNAC’s discovery, engraver medalmaker, Best Worker of France, creator of medal in its account in Lyon. A movie writes, realized and gone up by Susanne SCHUBERT in 2011. This movie is realized […]
» Nicolas, engraver « , Barbara Bégot’s movie for TLM, realized by Octogone production in 1997 – 1998. It makes 20 years. I am in the period at the beginning of the competition « one of the […]
The 25th « One of the Best Craftsmen in France » competition is open since February 6th, 2013. For this new contest, Pierre Rodier, Engraver General for the Monnaie de Paris, now retired, and president of the […]
Article Tribune de Lyon, de Gilles Reymann, du 16/04/13. ©Olivier Chassignole “En CM2, j’étais le champion du tir de boulettes à longue distance.” Dès son enfance, Nicolas Salagnac affirmait déjà ce sens aigu de la […]
A la demande de Monsieur Daniel Groscolas, Maire de l’Houmeau et les conseils de Raymond Escobar, la mairie confie à l’atelier Nicolas Salagnac la création et la gravure des matrices pour l’édition d’une médaille d’un […]
At the request of Mr. Daniel Groscolas, Mayor of L’Houmeau, and on the advice of Raymond Escobar, the town council entrusted the Nicolas Salagnac workshop with the creation and engraving of the dies for a […]
A la demande du Président de l’Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Christian Têtedoie, MOF cuisine 1997, Nicolas Salagnac a créé la nouvelle médaille des maîtres Cuisiniers de France. cette médaille a été remise le […]
At the request of the President of the Association des Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Christian Têtedoie, MOF cuisine 1997, Nicolas Salagnac has created the new medal of the maîtres Cuisiniers de France. This medal was […]
THE STEPS INVOLVED IN MAKING THE MEDAL. Single-sided medal, diameter 65mm. In a few words, here are the steps involved in the realization of this project. 1 – Design Research and development of models designed […]
Guy Lassausaie, MOF 1994 me commande un médaillon MOF oxydé, fixé sur un support en laiton, l’ensemble installe sur la devanture de son restaurant à Chasselay dans le Rhône, près de Lyon. Le médaillon MOF […]
A new medallion in the image of the MOFs to put on your storefront, in your store, in your workshop… This piece follows on from the bronze medallions created and produced by Gadoux, MOF of […]
Workshop Nicolas Salagnac - at Médicis :
24, avenue Joannès-Masset, Les Passerelles - F69009 Lyon
By appointment only – Metro : Gorge de Loup (line D)
Billing address : 3, rue de la Quarantaine - 69005 Lyon - France
Phone : +33 9 50 32 62 45
© 2025 Nicolas Salagnac - All rights reserved – Design and development : Benoît Salagnac and Finneas - updated by 68000.fr – Photo credits : Matthieu Cellard – ▨