Mandatory subject of the 21st competition of ‘One of the Best Craftsmen in France’, steel engraving – period 1997-2000. Based on the drawing of Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, ‘A young girl’s face’, make with a punch or a die a direct steel carving of this subject for the purpose of striking a medal.
Open subject of the 21st competition of ‘One of the Best Craftsmen in France’, steel engraving – period 1997-2000. Making of a medal based on one of the ‘Labours of Hercules’.

It took me three years of hard work… after my day job, during my week-ends and a portion of my vacations. I have to thank Mrs Sylvie Reig, FIA CEO, for allowing me to work inside the company’s premises outside office hours.
In September 2000, I handed my works over to Pierre Pignat, commissioner for the MOF du Rhône competition. I was proud to deliver my work timely and I knew I did my best… but will all of this be enough?
In November 2000, I was told that I was awarded the title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France by my peers. Plus, I was the one and only laureate for the en modelé engraving category.
March 13rd, 2001: the seven ‘Meilleurs Ouvriers de France’ in 2000 met with the French President, Jacques Chirac, at the Palais de l’Élysée, to receive our medal from his hands.
Many thanks to Mr Bernard Turlan, master engraver from La Monnaie de Paris who taught me so much; and Mr Claude Gardot, MOF, steel engraver.